Manage Your Quality Records. Easily!
Manage Quality Documentation
Standard Operating Procedures, Work Instructions, Forms, Reports, Company Insurances, Company Accreditations, Quality Policies... the list of paperwork companies have to manage grows every year. QADB can handle it all (including editable and published versions). Once you've added all your documents to QADB, you'll never again need to ask, "Where can I find our Quality Policy? A customer is asking for it!" All records are managed through an easy to use web interface, and files are managed using our web based file manager which integrates seamlessly with QADB (see below for details).
Manage Quality Issues
All companies have quality issues: non-conformances, observations, opportunities for improvement (and so on). QADB can help you manage all these issues. Your staff can add comments to issues so everyone knows who is doing what to help close each one. You can even use our Quality Issue Tracker to manage other issues such as safety (near misses and accidents), environmental issues and whatever else matters to your business.
Manage Staff Competencies / Training
Another headache for lots of companies. Spreadsheets don't cut it, do they? They were never meant for managing anything. Let go of your spreadsheets, and let our software inform you what needs your attention, when it needs your attention.
Manage Calibration, Servicing, Maintenance of Equipment
They're all just things that need someone to do something to them, periodically. Put them on QADB and leave the rest to us. We'll send you an email if something needs your attention.
Manage Supplier Approvals
Many companies struggle to keep on top of their supplier approvals. QADB can manually or automatically send a reminder email to your suppliers as certificates approach expiry. You can quickly update certificates, or mark them as inactive if they no longer supply your company with goods or services.
Easily Access Certificates Wherever You Are
Tired of hunting around for documents and certificates? With QADB, you can save all your certificates in Google Drive, Dropbox, Sharepoint etc, or use our WebDAV based system. Whichever you choose, you'll have access to everything all from one interface, viewable on a mobile device, tablet or your desktop.
Other Features
- QADB features a built in web file manager. Quickly upload, rename, move, delete files and directories. You can also extract archives (zip or tar.gz) directly through our file manager. All customers get a generous 10GB of storage space for their files.
- QADB also features a photo manager. We consider this a bonus feature for our customers. We'd noticed that companies take lots of photos relating to their jobs. The problem is, photos are often taken on a smartphone and quickly clog up your gallery. Finding a photo is like finding a needle in a haystack. Not to mention that most photos have no context information (what is the photo of?, why did I take it???). So, we wrote our photo manager to help organise your work photos. Using it couldn't be simpler: You create a new album, take a photo, give it a caption and optional details, then upload it to your QADB file manager. If you need to add new photos at a later date, you just open the album, and add your new photos. As with all files in your QADB file manager, you can quickly email any photo to a customer, colleague etc.
- We know you love spreadsheets! You can download a summary spreadsheet of your records at any time
- Take traceability to the next level. QADB records every change made to a record, giving you a full a revision history of what changed, who changed it, and when it was changed
- Receive a weekly email summarising what needs your attention
- Email department managers certificates expiring within 90 days
- Need to email a certificate or document to a colleague, customer or auditor? Enter their address and we'll email it for you
- Email the status of your quality issues along with comments
- Need help with data entry to migrate from your current system to QADB? We offer that as well. Just ask us for details.
Find Out More
If you're ready to find out more, please email:
and we'll be in touch to determine if your company can be helped with QADB.